In New York family law cases, property division can be a source of contention with both sides wanting to retain specific items. This is often categorized as properties of significant value like real estate, automobiles, jewelry and art. However, people can disagree...
Seasoned Guidance
For Your Trying Times
Year: 2023
Your post-divorce budget and how to tackle it
In a high-asset divorce like yours, the financial transaction that’s about to take place through the property division process is bound to have significant implications for your long-term stability. Given the stakes involved in your marriage dissolution, you need to...
What can I do if I think my child is being abused or neglected?
If you believe your child is being physically or emotionally abused by their other parent, you might file a report with Child Protective Service (CPS). Doing so might seem drastic, but it is often the best way to ensure your child has a safe home both now and moving...
When can I modify an existing child custody order?
The answer to this question really depends on the circumstances at hand. Under New York law, a custody modification will only be granted if there’s been a substantial change in circumstances and the requested change is in the child’s best interests. This “substantial...